Jakub Svoboda, harmonica player in the Czech band “The Weathermakers” uses a Silverfish Dynamic mic and recons the mic’s taken his playing to “another level”!
Jakub provided some terrific feedback on what he thought of his silverfish dynamic mic after recording the band’s new EP “Dnes” [translated as “Today”]:
“…it is absolutely stellar. Not only is it super-light, which really saves my back after a long gig, but man does it play! I have used it at almost all our shows and it took my playing to another level. Compared with classic harmonica mic’s such as the Shure Bullet and Superlux, the level of player comfort is simply incomparable. We have recently recorded a new EP with our band “The Weathermakers”, where I used the Silverfish exclusively: the studio guy was genuinely impressed with what the mic is capable of”

You can hear what the “‘fish” [dynamic silverfish mic] sounds like on their bandzone pages – http://bandzone.cz/theweathermakers
Listen to tracks from The Weathermakers “Dnes” EP recorded with a silverfish dynamic mic
Press on the play links for the first four track: