Customised harmonicas
These are high quality precision – hand made customisations mostly using bamboo. This produces a hamonica with a comb that is as hard as nails (and highly resilliant to moisture), looks absolutely superb but most importantly feels comfortable in your hand and mouth.
If you are interested see photos on this site or at my facebook page: (
Styles vary from oversized and rounded – fitting your hand like a glove – to a neat squared off comb that replaces the existing one producing a quality and unique instrument with a comfy feel and good looks.
The benefit of customisation goes beyond looks in that the harp is a LOT more comfortable to play with the holes slighted edged off and the rounded wood in your hand.
A range of colour tones – from natural through to very dark coffee coloured allows you to differentiate between your different keys through colour and style of the custom harps. In other words – it’s an excellent idea to have a range of different custom harps for different keys within your set! Although obvoiusly this would cost a bit so you may like to stick the ones you play most!
Please note: that custom harps are sometimes defined as those with reeds different than the standard manufacturer’s production harps. These harps have not been adjusted or re-tuned/gapped as it is extremely difficult to provide a modified reedplate that suits everyone. You can probably appreciate that these would produce both advantages and disadvantages – compared to the factory (out of the box) harps – so I’ve decided not to go down that route!
Anyway – if you are interested in envesting in either customising oneh of you much loved harps or getting a new one – then let me know and we can discuss details. The shop on this website also alows you to buy a new custom marine band of a key of your choice (selected at the time of purchase).
£130 isn’t a lot when you conisder how long a hand crafted precision harp takes to build… roughly two days! If you are mad about harmonicas then it’s worth it!